Wednesday, December 11, 2013

"The Pressure of being Perfect"

Is Our Society Manufacturing Depressed People?

Here we come across a society in the throes of a virtual epidemic of depression.More than twenty percent of the American population will experience at least one episode of what we refer to as clinical depression.Many of us live dulled lives, somewhat robotic in nature and devoid of deeper meaning and purpose. Our lives, often become visionless and passionless. We live in an intensely competitive culture that rewards achievement and success. Our identity and esteem become reflections of these external markers of achievement.  Our pursuit of happiness and well-being become terribly misdirected. The demands of our intensely and neurotically driven culture strain our emotional and psychological balance well beyond its comfortable balance. We apparently can't seem to lay off the constant necessity to fit in and try to be molded into the "perfect person" society wishes us to be. Maybe we should all just lay off our backs for a moment and just let everyone be what they wanna be. What is so wrong with just being yourself? maybe we we should all just think about it for a moment instead of continuing to point fingers at one another...  


  1. Omg thank you so much for this information that you have bestowed upon me.

  2. This post is my favorite so far. Very strong argument and I like the title. Great job
