Monday, December 16, 2013

How can you not know you are pregnant? This show is crazy!

Discovery Health's I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant television show showcases women's stories of pregnancy when they didn't know they were pregnant until the very end of pregnancy - often not until they were actually giving birth. From their site: "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant reveals the astonishing stories of women who conceive and carry their babies all the way to labor and delivery with no idea that they were ever pregnant. Do they have their periods? Gain any weight? What about morning sickness? How is it physically possible to be up to 36 weeks pregnant and not know it?"I saw the very first episode of I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant quite by accident. I was a bit horrified at the dramatic reenactments of labor for these women. Though I know it had to be quite frightening for them to be in pain and to not have any idea of why or what to do about it. At least when you know you are pregnant, you can be prepared for labor and contractions. I've also had to answer a lot of questions based on the show. In my opinion how can one not know they are pregnant? This show is really dramatized but then again what reality show isn't! I kind of find it funny sometimes how they come up with these unrealistic birth scenes that the majority of the time we all know cannot happen because honestly who gives birth in their bathroom and don't even realize it! I'm not surprised that there are people who actually like this show because supposebly it's "true". I'm not bashing on the show don't get me wrong it is a interesting show but honestly who is going to sit the whole day watching it when we ourselves know it is inaccurate.
                                          I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant               

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